Friendly, without a trace of nervousness or aggression. A great companion dog, active and cheerful. He is excellent with children and other dogs.
Color: swarthy, swarthy with white, tricolor and blue merle.
Dark: Various shades from light gold to mahogany, also with a black coating. Cream and light straw colors are highly undesirable.
Tricolor: Black with intense tan on the head and legs. A rusty coating on black is extremely undesirable.
Blue marbled: The background is mostly silvery blue, in a pure shade, with black spots and patches on it. Intense flaming is desirable, but its absence is not a disadvantage. Extensive black patches, gray background or rusty coatings on the outer hair or undercoat are highly undesirable.
White markings: Each of these colors should have more or less extensive white markings. Particularly desirable are a full or partial white collar, socks and a white tip of the tail. There may be a white arrow of various lengths on the head. A pure white or predominately white ointment is highly undesirable.